The Bank Alfalah SBS Instalment Plans at 0% Markup detail and information are given right on this page. Here you can find all detail and information about Instalment. With the help of Alfalah Step-By-Step (SBS) Instalment Plans, you can avail products that you want. The monthly instalments with flexible tenures that are suitable for your lifestyle perfectly in 2 simple steps:
- You can make a Call at Alfalah Contact number 111 225 111 to place your order or you can fill out the form attached and drop it at any Alfalah Credit Cards drop box.
- Opt for a 3 or 6 months instalment plan and enjoy 0% markup or choose from a range of flexible tenures of up to 36 months.
Bank Alfalah SBS Instalment Plans at 0% Markup
If the cardholder decides to cancel their SBS, they have to pay a pre-closure penalty, which is equal to 5% of the outstanding loan amount or Rs. 1,000 (whichever is higher). A request to convert a transaction or balance to SBS is subject to full acceptance or rejection by the Bank. Bank Alfalah SBS Instalment Plans at 0% Markup The product will be delivered only if stock is available. All detail and information is free of cost.
Term & Conditions of SBS Instalment Plans at 0% Markup
- If the merchant is unable to arrange the product within the allotted time due to a stock issue, the bank will not be liable.
- Market prices and availability apply to all SBS items. Any price increase will be announced on the website and the Cardholder will be informed through the Al Falah Contact Center at the time of booking.
- Every SBS promotion has a set window of validity.
- In no manner can Bank Alfalah Limited be held accountable for the SBS product that the merchant has supplied in terms of its quality, merchantability, or suitability for its intended use.
- Any loss or damage sustained by the Cardholder as a result of a business partner declining to authorise a transaction or accept a credit card is not the responsibility of Bank Alfalah Limited.
- It is considered that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms and conditions listed on the SBS yer and the Bank’s website,, by signing the “SBS Application Form.”
Bank Alfalah Motorcycle Scheme 2023
Here all detail and information about Bank Alfalah Motorcycle Scheme 2023 are given you can also read about Term & Conditions of SBS Instalment Plans at 0% Markup right on this page. If you are facing any problem with Bank Alfalah SBS Instalment then you can leave a comment in the below section.