
HJRS HEC List 2024 Recognized Journals

HJRS HEC List 2024 of valid research journals has been issued by the Higher Education Commission. The higher Education Commission of Pakistan aims to improve the quality of journals and publications. HEC has introduced an online system called HJRRS for the recognition of journals.

Its main purpose is the recognition of research journals. HJRRS stands for EC Journals Recognition System. Scholars & Researchers will have to follow HEC-recognized research journals in Pakistan for the publication of articles. HJRS HEC recognized research journals valid in Pakistan. HJRS HEC list contains names of valid research journals.

Download HJRS HEC List 2024 Recognized International Journalists

HEC Pakistan has revised and updated the policy of research journals and publication policy. He has informed all the universities. Now the universities of Pakistan have to follow HEC Recognized Journals List 2024. Students of MS/M. Phil and Ph.D. Classes should refer to HEC’s list of recognized journals. Pakistan Higher Education Commission has classified research journals on the basis of research knowledge. Generally, he classified research journals and publications into three categories called W, X, and Y. Fake and illegal journals and publications are not accepted in HEC Pakistan.

Download HJRS HEC List 2023 Recognized

A set of research journals classified into three different categories – W, ​​X, and Y – in their respective academic areas based on internationally benchmarked and recognized parameters that measure journal quality. are Each journal’s relative position and category is calculated using a proprietary algorithm designed to promote quality research across disciplines.

Check Online List of HEC HJRS Recognized Journals 2024

HEC approves journals that meet the standards of the international research community. In Pakistan, several journals have obtained NOC/no-objection certificates. They will not go to any office for this purpose. The authority has uploaded the list of recognized and valid journals on the official website.

There are three categories of HJRS HEC based on preference. W, X, and Y are the three main names for these categories. WHEC is a top-priority research journal. But HEC has also sub-categorized the mentioned categories. Be sure to visit to download the list of HEC-recognized international journals. It is very helpful to identify valid/legitimate research journals for your study and research work. HJRS HEC List 2024  Pakistan has classified and recognized journals in the following fields.

  • Agriculture​
  • Social Sciences
  • Engineering and Technology
  • Health Sciences
  • Management Sciences and Economics
  • Multi-Disciplinary
  • Natural Sciences
  • Arts and Humanities

HJRS includes all subjects and sub-categories as per JACS. It provides accurate and fine-grained positioning of the journal at two different levels: within a top-level subject area and various subcategories within a top-level subject area. As a result, quality parameters that associate bias with any subject area are normalized according to the parameters of journals in that subject area.

 Check HJRS HEC List

Gulshad Gondal

Gulshad Gondal is a reliable education expert with 4+ years of experience, delivering accurate and authoritative insights on to build trust and value.

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