
Dua for Rain In Arabic – Dua When It Is Raining

Dua For Rain In Arabic Text

Today we are going to discuss Dua for Rain in Arabic I Dua when it is raining, Rain is a boon to our animals, besides it is a boon to mankind, to creatures, to our fields, and to all living beings. What should we do when it does not rain? do to consider unnecessarily. What is the prayer after the rain? Download dua for rain images for conversation in Arabic, English, and Urdu.

Dua for Rain in Arabic Dua when it is raining

Dua For Rain In Arabic – Dua When It Is Raining

At the time when it is being revealed, we should pray to Allah Almighty to shower us with gifts and make this rain precious and easy. Dua in Arabic for rain, when it is not coming down, when it is raining from above, learn dua for rain in Urdu, English, Hindi, and Arabic. When it rained heavily, thank God (Alhamdulillah). If you are looking for Dua for Rain in Arabic – Dua when it is raining then you are on the right page.

Dua When It Rains In English

The dua when it rains in English is given below.

“O Allah, make this rain beneficial for us”

“We were blessed with rain by the grace and Mercy of Allah”

Dua When Raining In Arabic

The dua when raining in Arabic is given as under. You can also read Safar Ki Dua In Urdu right on this page. What surah to read when raining? the surah is given below. You can read Dua For Rain In Arabic Text right on this page.

اللّهُمَّ صَيِّـباً نافِـعاً

Dua During Rain Hadith

The dua during rain hadith is also given below.

Dua During Rain Hadith

Best Time To Make Dua When It Rains

Dua or request is an extraneous relationship between the worker and his ruler for ordinary and extraordinary needs. As with every trait, there are conditions and customs in response to one’s request that, when met and observed, the prayer is answered, and the lack of prayer, or the disallowance of different boundaries.

Due to prayer, we don’t know about, even the best prayers known to be answered quickly and surely, can be inadequate. Here Dua for Rain In Arabic – Dua When It Is Raining are given as under. If you want to know Which dua to recite when it rains? then you are on the right page.

The Holy Quran:

“وَ هُوَ الَّذِي أَرْسَلَ الرِّياحَ بُشْراً بَيْنَ يَدَيْ رَحْمَتِهِ وَ أَنْزَلْنا مِنَ السَّماءِ ماءً طَهُورا”

اللہ سبحانہ وتعالیٰ کا ارشاد ہے: ’’اور وہی ہے جو اپنی رحمت سے پہلے ہواؤں کو بشارت بنا کر بھیجتا ہے اور ہم نے بادل سے پاکیزہ پانی برسایا‘‘۔

If you have any question about Dua for Rain in Arabic – Dua when it is raining , Dua When It Rains In English , Dua When Raining In Arabic , Dua During Rain Hadith , and Best Time To Make Dua When It Rain you can leave a comment below.

There are many questions like dua when raining and thunder rain Islamic quotes or why is it good to make dua in the rain ? prayer during rain is asked by most people. If you are looking for what is the prayer for rain in Arabic? then you can read it right on this page.

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Also Read:

Safar Ki Dua In Urdu – Safar Aur Sawari Ki Dua


Aziz Ul rehman

Aziz Ur Rehman, an experienced author with 5+ years of expertise on, delivers authoritative, trustworthy insights on education, exams, and academic guidance.

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