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Namaz E Janaza Ki Dua For Male & Female

Namaz E Janaza Ka Tarika In Urdu

Namaz e janaza ki dua for male : Namaz e janaza is an Islamic Funeral Prayer that is an important part of the Islamic Funeral Ceremony. In fact, the funeral prayer is a prayer in which we pray for the forgiveness of our deceased. Namaz e janaza ki dua for female In namaz e janaza Forgiveness is requested for the deceased and all Muslims. Funeral prayers are a common duty for Muslims.

Namaz e janaza ka tarika in Urdu is aslo given end of this page. Namaz e janaza ki dua for a child is different than the elder. namaz e janaza ka darood is important part of namaz e janaza.

Namaz e janaza ki dua for male & Namaz e janaza ki dua for female

Namaz janaza ki dua for male Namaz janaza ki dua for female

Namaz e janaza means that family members or relatives of the deceased take up the duty and offer their funeral prayers. Then if anyone does not agree, the Muslims will be held accountable. Namaz e janaza ki dua for a female is given above on this page. Namaz e Janaza ka Tarika in Urdu Method of namaz e janaza is also very compulsory for all of us.

Namaz e janaza ki dua for child Male

namaz e janaza ki dua for child Male

Namaz e janaza ki dua for child Female

namaz e janaza ki dua for child female

Namaz e janaza ka tarika in Urdu ( Method of namaza e janaza )

If you are looking for namaz e janaza ka Tarika then you need not be worry because now all method is given on our page you can easily read and follow them. Namaz e janaza ki dua for child should also be known. Namaz e janaza ki dua for female is same as Namaz e janaza ki dua for male , namaz e janaza ka darood is different than darod e Ibrahimi.

namaz e janaza ka tarika

Method of namaza e janaza – namaz e janaza in English

Method of namaza e janaza (Hanafi) The Muqtada should make the intention like this: Now Imam and Muqtada first raise their hands up to their ears and while saying “Allahu Akbar” immediately tie them up to the bottom of the navel and recite the verses. In it, after the Almighty, recite Wajjal Sanauk wala Allah Ghairak, then say “Allahu Akbar” without raising hands,

Then recite Drood Ibrahim ( namaz e janaza ka darood ), then say “Allahu Akbar” without raising hands and recite dua (say aloud in Imam Takbir and follower slowly Read all the rest of the az-karamam and muqtada slowly. namaz e janaza in English has been described on our page if you are interested you can read it easily.

Namaz e janaza ka darood

Namaz e janaza ka darood

Prayer given above will be followed for all such as Namaz e janaza ki dua for male & Namaz e janaza ki dua for female namaz e janaza ki dua for child will follow. Method for Namaz e janaza ka tarika in urdu will be same for adult and child.

  • Namaz e janaza ki dua for male
  • Namaz e janaza ki dua for female
  • Namaz e janaza ki dua for child
  • Namaz e janaza ka darood
  • Namaz e janaza ka tarika
  • Namaz e janaza with urdu translation pdf

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