
Azan Ke Baad Ki Dua In Arabic with Urdu Translation

Azan Ke Baad Ki Dua Full In English

Azaan is called five times each day to call individuals to leave all work in a day and come to Allah, and come to Masjid for the love of Allah Almighty. After saying Azan then Azan Ke Baad Ki Dua In Arabic with Urdu Translation is recited by Moazzan. Here you can find Azan ke baad ki dua translation the bellow with image.

Azan Ke Baad Ki Dua In Arabic with Urdu Translation

Allah is the animal of us, the sustainer of us, and the proprietor of us and one day we will get back to him. Since each spirit will taste passing. Islam is the greatest religion. So when we stand by listening to Azan we answer ought to leave each undertaking and answer each expression of Azaan and offer Azan Ke Baad ki Dua Sunni has been composed beneath.

Azan Ke Baad Ki Dua Full In English

You can read Azan Ke Baad Ki Dua In English below.

Allahumma Rabba Hadhihi-D-Dawatit-Tammaa Was-Salatil Qaimah, Aati Muhammadanil Wasilata Wal-Fazilata, Wabaathhu Maqamam Mahmuda Nil-Lazee Waadtahu innaka Laa Tukhliful-Mee’aad

The Azan Ke Baad Ki Dua In Arabic with Urdu Translation is given below. You can also read SURAH IKHLAS TRANSLATION  right on this page, If you want o get Azan ke baad ki dua in Arabic text then you can find it in the below section. The Azan Ke Baad Ki Dua Full In English is given right on this page.

Azan Ke Baad Ki Dua Translation

if you want Azan ke Baad ki dua in Arabic text then you can copy and paste it anywhere, here you can also get Azan ke baad ki dua translation on right this page. you can download Azan ke baad ki dua Image below. We are trying to provide the latest duas right on this page, if you have any suggestion regarding this matter then you can leve a commmernt in the below section.

Worldly Benefits of Adhan

  • After saying Azan Ke Baad Ki Dua In Arabic all Muslims come to gather for prayer saying.
  • Apart from entering Paradise, there are many worldly benefits of Adhan, such as:
  1. With the sound of the call to prayer, the devil runs so far that the sound of the call to prayer does not reach
  2. If a fire breaks out, reciting the call to prayer reduces the fire and the fire is extinguished.
  3. The storm of strong winds ends very quickly with the recitation of Adhan.
  4. If the rains become harmful or there is a danger of death due to floods

Azan ke baad ki dua Image

Azan Ke Baad Ki Dua In Arabic with Urdu Translation

Azan Ke Baad Ki Dua In Arabic Image

When Ibn Abbas heard a recitation of the Qur’an, he began to weep until his cloak became wet with tears and his eyes became red.  And how about the team?  We also hear the call to prayer but do not weep but your weeping made us weep too.  Hazrat Ibn Abbas said that if people find out what the muezzin is saying, they will not be able to find peace and will not be able to sleep.

Azan ke baad ki dua in Arabic text

So someone said tell us what the Muazin says. Azan Ke Baad Ki Dua In Arabic Image is given on this page. If you have read about Azan Ke Baad Ki Dua In Arabic with Urdu Translation you can leave a comment in the below section. The Azan ke baad ki dua translation is very simple and easy. If you want to download Azan ke baad ki dua Image click the right button of the mouse and select the save image option.



Aziz Ul rehman

Aziz Ur Rehman, an experienced author with 5+ years of expertise on, delivers authoritative, trustworthy insights on education, exams, and academic guidance.

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